This piece has always been examining inequality at its core. Though originally more from an economic perspective, disparity and inequality is rampant in our commerce and culture. How we can live in a nation of such generosity and kindness and allow only those with self-interests to be the gatekeepers to our protection. Like a puppy running into traffic, it’s a decision that seems off the cuff, yet the problem has been getting worse since I have been alive. It is the dichotomy of these two Americas that makes it impossible to take seriously. We are no longer subtle in our desire to seem “nice” and behave in a cutthroat manner where one party gets all and the other receives zero. This letter that Andrew Cuomo shared from a farmer in Kansas is heart breaking. A man who has so little, and expects nothing in return, gives away a life saving item. Where is this spirit in our government? Where is this compassion and decency in our legislation for citizens of ALL races ?